# Code to prepare, homogenise and analyse digital elevation models from Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären, northern Sweden
## Overview
Code to prepare, homogenise and analyse DEMs from Mårmaglaciären, northern Sweden.
Code to prepare, homogenise and analyse DEMs from Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären, northern Sweden.
The inputs (downloaded in the `Dockerfile`) consist of:
- Uncorrected DEMs from different sources from 1959–2021.
@@ -13,6 +14,10 @@ The outputs are provided as separate datasets in the Bolin Centre database:
## Prerequisites
-[Docker](https://www.docker.com/) and `docker-compose`
- bash, or knowledge to recreate the steps in the `build.sh` script.
## Language
## File description
Call the `build.sh` script to build and export the results.
@@ -28,38 +33,44 @@ Most of the code exists in the `marma_dems` python package:
-`marma_dems.mb_parsing`: The entire logic of mass balance field data parsing.
## Citation
Shows how the source code should be cited (filled in by database staff).
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt (2022) Code to prepare, homogenise and analyse digital elevation models from Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären, northern Sweden. Software version 1.0.0. Bolin Centre Code Repository. https://doi.org/10.57669/schytt-mannerfelt-2022-marma-1.0.0
## References
## Comments
## Creators
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt
## Contact information
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt (2022a) Digital elevation models from Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären, northern Sweden, 1959 – 2021. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database. https://doi.org/10.17043/schytt-mannerfelt-2022-marma-dem-1
Department of Physical Geography
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt (2022b) Geodetic mass balance data from Mårmaglaciären, northern Sweden, 1959 – 2021. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database. https://doi.org/10.17043/schytt-mannerfelt-2022-marma-geodetic-1
Stockholm University.
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt (2022c) Glacier outlines for Mårmaglaciären and Mårmapakteglaciären, northern Sweden, 1959 – 2021. Dataset version 1. Bolin Centre Database. https://doi.org/10.17043/schytt-mannerfelt-2022-marma-outlines-1
SE-106 91 Stockholm
## Comments
The code can be used to reproduce the datasets by Schytt Mannerfelt (2022a, 2022b) and uses input data in the dataset by Schytt Mannerfelt (2022c).
## Authors
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt
## Contact information
Erik Schytt Mannerfelt
e.s.mannerfelt [at] geo.uio.no
Department of Geosciences
University of Oslo
0316 Oslo
## Language
## Publisher
Bolin Centre Code Repository
## Version
Version number of the release for which the indicated DOI is minted (we recommend 1.0.0 for an initial release).
## Project URL
Main URL of the source code project (filled in by database staff).