% AoM2023_PWD_wrapper % Import and quality control of ceilometer data obtained on % Icebreaker Oden originally as part of the ACAS project. % During expedition ARTofMELT, spring 2023. % This scrips is a subscript of a larger weather station wrapper code, % originally based on work by J. Sedlar % % JP March 2021 % modified SM June 2024 %% define directories (modify according to your own paths) % for the output data workdir = '/Volumes/My Passport for Mac/MISU_sticka/WORK/viktigapapper/ARTofMELT_2023/AoM_data_mod'; % for the raw input data datadir = '/Volumes/My Passport for Mac/MISU_sticka/WORK/viktigapapper/ARTofMELT_2023/Data'; %% ======================================================================== % IMPORT CL DATA % ========================================================================= starttime = datenum(2023,05,07,0,0,0); endtime = datenum(2023,06,13,16,24,35); % Specify Ceilometer message line 1 (see manual pg 64). This will vary % depending on the output message selected. Must be specified here exactly! % (ideally copied from an examined text file). message = 'CL020221'; %import raw .CL text files; fix & split message lines indir = [datadir,'/CL_data']; outdir = [workdir,'/WX/cl31-mat-bolinC']; import_acas_cl31_wrapper(indir,outdir,starttime,endtime,message) %read in files generated by "import" function, and save to .mat files indir = [workdir,'/WX/cl31-mat-bolinC']; outdir = [workdir,'/WX/cl31data-mat-bolinC']; read_acas_cl31_wrapper(indir,outdir,starttime,endtime,message) %conatenate into one mat file named "cl31.mat" indir = [workdir,'/WX/cl31data-mat-bolinC']; cl31 = cat_acas_cl31(indir); save([workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/cl31.mat'],'cl31'); %% ======================================================================== % Make OUTPUT DATA version 1.0 of CL31 data % ========================================================================= % For Ceilometer, keep at native resolution. Inlcude measurement % height in cloud base height (and SkyCon ht) variables. inname = [workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/cl31.mat']; outname = [workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/CL31_ceilometer_ARTofMELT_20230507_20230613_30s_v01.mat']; make_AoM2023_CL31_30s_v1_0(inname,outname) %% ======================================================================== % Make CL data averaging % ========================================================================= inname = [workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/CL31_ceilometer_ARTofMELT_20230507_20230613_30s_v01.mat']; % 1min outname = [workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/CL31_ceilometer_ARTofMELT_20230507_20230613_1min_v01.mat']; tave = 1; time_average_CL31(inname,outname,tave) % 10 min outname = [workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/CL31_ceilometer_ARTofMELT_20230507_20230613_10min_v01.mat']; tave = 10; time_average_CL31(inname,outname,tave) % 20 min outname = [workdir,'/WX/cl31_output/CL31_ceilometer_ARTofMELT_20230507_20230613_20min_v01.mat']; tave = 20; time_average_CL31(inname,outname,tave)